I have kicked off the year with some resolve to better focus on my own work. Fewer commissions, more continuous improvement and getting back to my original reasons for becoming an artist - to transliterate the images and ideas in my head out of my head. Here’s hoping that doesn’t lead to poverty!
Rye Society of Artists’ Spring Show
I am delighted to be able to report that I have been invited to exhibit alongside the Rye Society of Artists with a view to becoming a member. I have exhibited at each of their past three shows (2018, 2019, 2021) and now have a chance to be voted in, or not… I have not decided which pieces will best represent me but I am allowed to show 4, plus a small display of sketchbooks or paraphernalia (likely to be the latter as my sketchbooks are usually more notes that drawings).
The Spring Show will open on Saturday 19th March and run until Sunday April 24th so that’s a wonderful chance to showcase my work. It is actually the first time that I will be formally hanging my work in this way so it is really quite exciting!
I’ll announce the show properly in due course.
New Artworks
I have finished a few pieces recently so here’s a quick roundup of the completed work that’s come from my studio in the past couple of months. Click on the images to read more about them or to view them in my shop:
So a bit of variety there. As ever it’s great to play and find a style that works for each piece I imagine. A nightmare for anyone trying to identify my work, I suppose. Apart from the stippled work as that does now seem to be gaining a strong identity of its own. Which is nice.
Thanks for reading and viewing, I’ll update soon with news of the pieces going into the Spring Show.