It’s better to fade out than to burn away

‘It’s better to fade out than to burn away’, 2022, ink on paper, 37x55cm

There was a sea-misty day, in Hastings, in late-Summer. The land and the pier were taking turns popping in and out of the bright clouds. But the pier never fully resolved from its outline. I thought I'd try my hand at another stippled atmospheric effect.

The title is a play on Neil Young lyrics (which I first came across via The Kurgan, in Highlander). For those who don't know - Hastings Pier was originally built in 1872 but burnt down in 2010. It was rebuilt through local crowd funding in 2016 but 'controversially' sold into private ownership in 2018. It's still a very fine pier but for me it just doesn't have the sense of potential it had when it was first rebuilt.

Though I photographed a source image on that misty day I couldn't quite get the contrast I wanted so I decided to digitally manipulate the photo and then work from that, instead of going for true fidelity to the day. This was more fun.